I’ve been receiving messages from animals for what feels like my entire life. And, I’ve always felt a strong pull to listen to them and advocate for them! Their pure souls have always filled me with such love, awe, laughter, comfort, and joy. I also always found them to be my greatest teachers. I would notice how they would teach me everything from persistence and courage, to lightening up and not taking myself so seriously! I always found it very hard to ignore the information I was receiving from them, before I knew cognitively that they were sending me psychic messages. I didn’t know “how” I knew, I just did! I could always feel what an animal needed, being a highly empathic, and sensitive human growing up. Although my intuition wasn’t limited to animals, I always felt safe receiving their messages. Animals have always been a huge part of my life, and serving them is my greatest purpose. Helping their humans, is one way I get joy from doing so!
When I was in my teens, I wrote in my journal that my mission was, “to be a voice for animals”. At the time, I didn’t know being an animal communicator was a thing! I would speak to my beloved dog, and animals that crossed my path, but my idea of how I could help didn’t include being a pet psychic just yet. However, I started to notice that animals gave me courage! Not only did they ground me and get me out of my head and into the present moment. But, they would also get me out of my shell. If I ever saw an animal in need, I had zero hesitation to speak up and be seen.
Throughout my life, if I was speaking on behalf of an animal or helping them, I could step into my voice and wouldn’t be afraid to have attention of me. I was too focused on my desire! That was magnified even more when my dog Charlie came into my life. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for him. He was not only my best friend, but he was my greatest teacher, greatest joy, and he is now my greatest guide! He also was the one who gave me the confidence that I was telepathically communicating with him.
Charlie’s passing was the most devastating loss I had ever experienced, and upon arriving home without him I wanted to continue to do anything I could to honour him. I lit a candle for him that night as I visualized light around his spirit and sent my love for his transition. Immediately, I felt his huge presence. It was unlike anything I had experienced before. It was his Spirit. I kept receiving signs from him from then on, and a new portal opened up. My psychic abilities expanded in a way I didn’t expect, to receive the abundance of messages and love he was sending from the other side. As hard as his passing was, and the intense grief I was going through, his uplifting messages provided me much comfort and I started to become aware of how I still had a relationship with him, in a new form.
The signs Charlie was sending me, and his messages, left me in awe and deep gratitude as he was making himself and his love so known. Charlie then led me to world renowned, Soul Level Animal Communicator®, Danielle MacKinnon, and her Animal Communication certification program! As I honed in on using my psychic abilities to give animal communication readings, I was sharing the joy this gave me to my mentor who replied with “ya, you’re being a voice for animals!”. I was in awe as I was reminded of what I wrote as my dream in my journal years ago, which was “to be a voice for animals” and realized that my dream has come true.
The relationship I have with Charlie now that he is in Spirit motivates me even more to helps others with their connection to their pets both alive and in Spirit. Charlie has surprised me in so many ways, and I want others to know how they can still have a relationship with their pet that has crossed over, it just takes on a different form and to find the joy in the messages and signs they send you.
What I love most about helping others connect even deeper with their animals is that every session is so unique and just one session is so powerful! I’m constantly amazed and surprised by the different ways everyone’s beloved pets come through to ensure their people know how powerful their unconditional love and bond is, and all the many ways they help to guide their humans into their best selves.
Charlie has not only led me to my dream career of being a professional Animal Communicator with the most wonderful clients but he has led me to so much magic, expansion, growth, and beyond which makes me so excited to connect with YOU and share with you what YOUR pet is leading YOU to.